Should 16- and 17-year Old's be Allowed to Vote?

Grade Level: 8-12

Time: 40 Minutes

Essential Question

Should the voting age be lowered and why?

About This Lesson

At its core, voting is about expressing opinions. Whether it’s voting in a political election, completing a survey about a product or service, or liking a social media post, your vote is your voice. There is a long history of voting rights in the U.S., dating back to the ratification of the Constitution in 1877. As part of that history, 1971 was the year that the voting age was reduced from twenty-one to eighteen years old. There is a movement today to lower the voting age to sixteen. In this lesson, students will learn about the purpose of voting, reflect on their own points of view about whether the voting age should be lowered, and consider the pros and cons for allowing sixteen and seventeen year-olds to vote.


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