Understanding Racism and Embracing Anti-Racism

Image of a Black woman at a rally with the text "Lesson Plan".

Grade Level: 8-12

Time: 40 Minutes

Essential Question

How is racism a system of bias and how can anti-racism make a difference?

About This Lesson

Racism is all around us and permeates every aspect of our culture and society–from racist symbols and slurs, excluding people based on race, microaggressions, stereotypical or lack of representation in media portrayals and the discrimination faced by people of color in every institution in our society. Anti-racism offers a helpful way forward. The concept of anti-racism has a long history but has emerged in today’s conversations about racism, providing a way to talk about and actively fight against racism. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to understand the concepts of racism and anti-racism, reflect on examples of institutional racism and explore strategies for fostering anti-racism.


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